Operation Reboot

 Society 3.0

Sue Lee


Society 1.0 began circa 7 million years ago when our ancestors climbed down from the trees and walked into the Savannah, necessitating advancements in tool making and the organization of complex social order.

Society 2.0 followed the crash of human population resulting from severe climate change following the eruption of the Toba super-volcano 72,000 years ago. Approximately 1500 superior remnant homo sapiens population re-organized, enriched culturally, and spread worldwide, displacing all other hominids.

Society 3.0 will begin after the yet to be determined descent, collapse, or crash of the human population in the 21st century, as the result of over-population, increased demand on dwindling resources, and environmental collapse/mass extinction related to global warming, pervasive pollution, and massive environmental degredation.


In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model, and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called. —Buckminster Fuller

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them. —Albert Einstein

Kogi ideas about the structure and functioning of the universe, and Kogi cosmology is … a model for survival in that it molds individual behavior into a plan of actions or avoidances that are oriented toward the maintenance of a viable equilibrium between man’s demands and nature’s resources. In this manner the individual and society at large must both carry the burden of great responsibilities which, in the Kogi view, extend not only to their society but to the whole of mankind. —Gerardo Reichel-Dolmatoff



Species population after species population, society after society has collapsed following over population and/or overshoot of resources, yet the pattern continues to repeat incessantly. Only one civilization, the Kogi of Columbia, continue to inhabit their land in a stable and sustainable manner for the last 1,000 plus years. They seem to have learned the Ecolate message, and have sent two formal warning messages to the rest of the world, those of us they consider as younger brothers. They live simply in an independent society off of the abundance of the land. When the collapse comes, they will scarcely notice the transition. Perhaps we have much to learn from their environmental practices.

The little-remembered Technocracy group organized during the Great Depression, and grew exponentially, including up to 15% of insightful Californians. Their premise was to dismantle the faiing government and replace it with a group of scientists who would make decisions based upon fact and evidence. Had they been successful, one can only assume that the world would not be in the dire condition of today, however the market rallied and the Technocrats were soon obscured from history. It is not possible for the next collapse to recover in this manner, and respected researher’s estimates range from a 60-80% die-off of the human population, by one means or another, to come to a sustainable size.

Whether humans eventually demand a managed descent or, if no successful effort is made, a collapse of drastic proportions follows has yet to be determined, as has the time frame. Whenever and however remain, as yet, unpredictable, but that it will occur is absolutely unavoidable. One can not judge such a de-population to be good or bad, but on a planetary scale, one could consider the benefits to nature. The de-population phase will not be a pleasant experience for either those who will be lost or those who lose them, but in the ensuing revolution it will be the responsibility of survivors to reboot society in a thoughtful and functional manner.

The current US regime inhibits the possibility of positive ecolate change, in fact, leads us in the opposite direction. I fought hard for the opposition, but failed to gain encouragement for the future of my grandchildren. It is now that I turn my efforts towards educating those I can into creating a better environment for them and all of society following the failure and collapse of this untenable civilization.

Soltech Solutions has prepared this packet to assist with a future reboot of society, whether in the next decade or the next century. It is our most fervent hope that recommended changes are implemented in time to avoid collapse, if not then that enough knowledge survives for lessons to be learned and remembered to not continue repeating the mistakes of the past.


Changes and preparations to iterate towards

  • Dissolve the illusion of being de-coupled from nature, realize that humans are but a sub-system of the environment. Reconnect, observe, listen.
  • Study the environmental and social issues and take action.
  • Persist in voicing your concerns.
  • Educate your fellow humans. Share these and other pertinent links on social media.
  • Reduce your environmental footprint.
  • Practice sustainability. R’s
  • Learn to grow and produce your own food.
  • Look after your well-being. Eat well and responsibly, cease harmful practices, stay fit, gain personal insight.
  • Use ethics in your actions and relationships.
  • Take up one or more causes to champion. Political Activism, Educational Activism
  • Learn practical skills.
  • Store seeds, food, water, and other necessities.
  • Prepare a family emergency plan.
  • Learn self-defense.
  • Prepare information for posterity.
  • Utilize alternative energy.
  • Learn about alternative housing.
  • Utilize local resources.
  • Transition towards resilience.
  • Learn home medical practices.
  • Reduce consumption (Reverend Billy.)
  • Avoid serving the system.

The longer the resistance to change, the higher the initial population, the more degraded the environment, the more difficult the transition, the harder the fall, the more challenging the recovery. With no change in policies the greater chance of total collapse and mass extinction including that of the human race.

Reboot 3.0 Goals

  • Universal symbolic written language: Bliss
  • Local self-organized governance
  • Science-based management policies
  • Naturally defined areas of manageable size for human development with 80% reserved exclusively for Nature and leave-no-trace observational visitation
  • Fundamental village communities with a maximum 150 population with regularly scheduled group interactions
  • Small cities, composed of largely autonomous neighborhoods, for industry, institutional health facilities, and houses of higher education
  • Locate near high-energy sources
  • Alternative emergy-based economy
  • Utilize local renewable resources
  • Vastly reduce income disparity (0.8-1.25)
  • Guarantee fair and equitable human rights to housing, healthcare, education, and treatment
  • Low energy non-polluting means of individual and mass transportation


Potential modes of collapse/system failures


"In order to change an existing paradigm you do not struggle to try and change the problematic model. You create a new model and make the old one obsolete. That, in essence, is the higher service to which we are all being called." —R. Buckminster Fuller



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Contact Sue Lee